Petra Cabouret-Gassner, Coach – Trainer – Facilitator

Special Guest in Berlin:

Petra Cabouret-Gassner, Coach – Trainer – Facilitator

Lecture and constellation work on „Dynamics in families and at the work place“

Friday, 29 Mar 2019: 17:00 – 21:00 – Saturday, 30 Mar 2019: 10:00 – 18:00
Introductory price: 125,00 EUR

Genuine Leadership

“Be true to yourself”

Genuine Leadership: Be true to yourself

Genuine leaders bring their authentic uniqueness and genuine potential to their work and social life. They are awake, aware and take conscious choices. They take full responsibility for their feelings, actions and behaviours. Genuine leaders are immersed in an ongoing process of self-development aiming to reach their fullest potential – for the good of all. They are holding the frame and providing the structure for others to grow and self develop at their own pace, too.

Genuine leaders are role modelling 21st century leadership skills embracing the whole person – they are leading the change from control, micromanagement and dependency to empowerment, collaboration and interdependency.

Business Coaching

for Leaders and Organisations

Business Coaching for Leaders and Organisations

In my professional life as team leader of multifunctional, global teams I oftentimes encountered critical situations, unhelpful team dynamics and team members being involved in their own personal, negative agenda than taking responsibility and focussing their energy on team development, good relationships and successful collaboration. As a leader I wondered how I could change this team culture; how and what I could contribute to create an empowering, motivating and more efficient and joyful environment.

I discovered that the most critical leverage point is knowing myself first. Truly being in touch with my genuineness, my values and my authentic positive beliefs about myself, others and the world. This deep internal work goes hand in hand with freeing internal resources, being awake and aware, being able to see more options, taking conscious choices and valuing uniqueness and diversity.

Making self-development and team development an important part of any team work will lead to a positive change and transformation of the team culture: if originating and flowing from genuineness, the uniqueness and authentic potential of each member contributes and forms an holistic team whose potential is indeed excelling and exceeding the mere sum potential of individuals.

So, I am looking forward to support leaders and organisations who are ready to take responsibility and who want to lead the change from control and dependency towards empowerment, collaboration and interdependency, who want to have an impact on team culture, who are keen to develop themselves and others to reach their fullest potential.

I am passionate about facilitating the “journey of change” and sharing my insights. I have seen team culture transformation happening!

Basic principles of Whole Person Model – Visionary Leadership

Basic principles

Whole Person Model – Visionary Leadership

The Whole Person Model is an educational model for all people who want to reach their fullest potential. As an holistic approach for holistic human beings, it provides a „blue print“ for a successful, healthy, collaborative and peaceful life.

The Whole Person Model was developed by Merry Graham, founder of Visionary Leadership, based on hands-on research with vast experience in health service and combined with best practice psychology theory & methods, neuroscience, organisational development and bodywork.

The path to Genuine Leadership:
Exemplify – empower – transform

The journey starts with truly understanding the authentic self and developing skills for self-mastery. Only when I am able to role model great leadership skills and behaviours myself, I will then be in the position to empower and motivate others genuinely, too! By using good learning- and audit processes, the team will ultimately transform and move from a culture of control and dependency to a culture of trust and interdependency.

„I am responsible for my thoughts, feelings and actions!“


Provided in English and German language

Whole Person Model

Whole Person Model

The Whole Person Model is an educational model for all people who want to reach their fullest potential. As an holistic approach for holistic human…

1:1 Coaching

1:1 Coaching

As a Coach, I offer myself as an expert and „active listener“ to you – the Coachee – for whatever question, thought, critical situation, wish or vision you might bring…

Extra Sessions

Extra Sessions

Lifewheel, Timeline (NLP), Logical Levels, Wholeness & Balance, Bodywork – These extra sessions can be booked singly and take 90-120 min, each…

Workshops based on the Whole Person Model

Workshops based on the Whole Person Model

Facilitating culture change – Facilitating collaborative teams

During the Workshops (0,5 – 2 – 3 – 5 days) we train and coach elements and principles of the Whole Person Model – following the „path to genuine leadership“: exemplify, empower transform. We incite self reflection and encourage self development and self mastery, we provide best practice theory and exercises for motivation, difficult behaviour and feedback. In our courses we ensure to have ample time for hands-on own experience by offering a balance between theory, single work, group-work, role play and body work.

Our approach is holistic and embraces the whole person (emotional, physical, cognitive, spiritual).

As each holistic human being is unique, also each team has its own strengths, challenges and educational needs. In order to meet these needs and to ensure that the learning is most effective, we customize and individualize all our training programs and workshops!

Please use the contact form to inquire about more details.

1:1 Coaching

As a Coach, I offer myself as an expert and „active listener“ to you – the Coachee – for whatever question, thought, critical situation, wish or vision you might bring.
The coaching session is a place for you to question and explore, to get to the real root of your issues, to gain deep insights, to get in touch with your genuineness and to find your own authentic approach.
I bring empathy, trust, respect, openness and confidentiality to allow for safe and insightful coaching sessions.

My main area of expertise is to support business leaders in self-mastery, difficult behaviour within teams, motivation of self and others and giving and receiving constructive feedback.

In general, each coaching session takes 50-60 min and a series of 3-5 sessions are recommended.

Please inquire about timing and costs using the contact form.

1:1 Coaching

Extra Sessions

Extra Sessions

There are some great tools and methods facilitating self reflection and deeper understanding which can easily be done as a kind of holistic „self-status-check“ in order to re-direct and/or boost your genuine energy and potential, e.g.:

  • Lifewheel
  • Timeline (NLP)
  • Logical Levels
  • Wholeness & Balance
  • Bodywork

These extra sessions can be booked singly and take 90-120 min, each.

Please use the contact form for more details, timing and/or pricing.


Silke Thomsen, PhD

I am a biologist with over 10 years of success in leadership of multifunctional teams and project management in pharmaceutical drug development.

As part of my leadership development I completed a Visionary Leadership training in 2010 and from those insights I now split my time between 1. setting up a division offering clinical and regulatory strategic advice in Berlin and 2. coaching, training and facilitating leaders around the globe.

My genuine purpose statement

I am passionate about sharing my insights and experience I gathered throughout my professional career regarding the impact of an authentic and holistic leadership style on team communication & dynamics, motivation and success. I have collected loads of hands-on experience in exemplifying self-mastery, empowering self and teams and ultimately transforming company culture.

Respect, trustworthiness and reliability are my key personal values and my communication- and leadership style is based on a consciously chosen balance of empowerment and support of others with the aim to boost self-motivation and to encourage continuous self-development and personal growth. This is also reflected in my coaching philosophy which embraces the whole person focusing on authenticity to bring out one’s best potential.

I love to bring the whole person leadership skills to life – either at work with my colleagues and team members or as freelance business coach, trainer and facilitator.

My journey … so far!

Next to being a Visionary Leadership Trainer, I am a certified Coach EASC (accredited in July 2017), NLP-Practitioner (certified in May 2011) and have participated in multiple training courses for group facilitation (2017).

My wholeness and balance toolkit

I keep myself energized and balanced by walking and bicycle riding in nature, swimming, practicing tai chi, playing music, dancing and enjoying time together with family and friends. My great passion is observing animals in their natural habitat!

Silke Thomsen

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Dr. Silke Thomsen
Coach – Trainer – Facilitator
Mehringer Str. 1
13465 Berlin

Phone: +49 – 151 11 26 94 75

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